Please be aware - Direct Debit refund scam

We’ve been contacted by concerned tenants offered refunds of direct debit payments they have made to pay rent and other bills.

Please be aware that this is a scam that could leave you out of pocket and with substantial debt still to repay.

You might see an advert or be contacted on social media or in person about making quick, easy money by claiming back refunds on your direct debits via your bank. This includes rent payments.

The criminals will ask for your personal and bank account details, which they’ll use to make a direct debit refund request with the bank.

If the refund is made the criminal will take a cut of this money as payment for letting you know about the service.

Often the criminal will take 50% or more of your money, leaving you substantially out of pocket.

You will also be in debt with the companies who you made these payments to.

This debt still has to be repaid.

This could mean you are at risk of losing your home, having goods repossessed or being taken to court.

Sharing your bank details means you could also have money taken from your bank account in future without your permission.

If you are struggling financially, please contact us on Tel: 0344 800 3800 – we can offer you support and signpost you to experts who can help you manage your finances.

You can keep yourself safe from fraudsters by following these steps: 

  • Watch out for approaches or adverts on social media offering schemes to make quick, easy money – they are a scam.
  • Criminals will ask you to lie to the bank regarding any payment requests. If you’re being told to lie to the bank, it’s a scam.
  • Never reveal your bank account information, including login details, passwords, or one-time passcodes, to anyone.
  • Remember, if a deal sounds too good to be true it probably is.
  • If you’re worried about a fraud or a scam, you can contact Action Fraud or Tel: 0300 123 2040 to report fraud.