Tenant information

Support and advice to help you manage your tenancy

Easy read guide to Bernicia Tenancy Agreements
Young adult Asian couple holding a puppy taking a selfie from a phone with home interior in background. 30s mature man and woman with dog pet taking a family photo shots. - Happy group portrait.


Many customers think that as your landlord we automatically insure your furniture, belongings and decorations against fire, theft, vandalism or water damage such as burst pipes. But this isn’t the case – we insure the buildings you live in but not the contents inside them.

This has come at a really good time just when we needed it. The house is perfect with two bedrooms – we wouldn’t have been able to afford it without the shared ownership scheme.


What our customers say

This has come at a really good time just when we needed it. The house is perfect with two bedrooms – we wouldn’t have been able to afford it without the shared ownership scheme.
