Governance and Executive
Fundamental to the successful delivery of our strategy is the board and leadership team working together in a clear and focused way. Our governance and senior team structures are fully aligned to support the delivery of our strategy.
The Bernicia Group comprises a main social housing company (the Parent) and two subsidiary boards: Kingston (the Commercial Board) and the Bernicia Foundation. The structure is shown below:
Our Group board is supported by four Committees:
Audit and Risk: Internal and external audit, risk landscape and internal controls and assurance.
Investment: New development and existing stock improvement and maintenance.
Customer Services : Service delivery, tenant involvement and engagement, customer experience and insight.
Remuneration, Resources and Appointments : Advising board on governance, remuneration and Board and Committee appointments.
Our board and committee arrangements provide focus and oversight of each strategic objective. There is clarity in the roles and responsibilities of our boards and committees, individual board members and officers and our arrangements are streamlined and modern. The Bernicia Board retain ultimate control over the subsidiaries as the Group Parent. Board membership and succession planning is based on an analysis of the skills and experience required to deliver the overall strategy and the four key outcomes together with a consideration of the diversity of the membership. We have increased the diversity of the board over the past few years, improving both the gender and age balance and bringing in a wider range of commercial experience. We undertake a triennial review of our governance structures and arrangements to ensure they remain fit for purpose and support the delivery of our plans.
Executive Team
We have reviewed our Executive and Senior Management team. The Chief Executive provides the overall strategic leadership, ensuring that Bernicia is working positively and collaboratively to help deliver the Regional agenda, supported by three Executive Directors, each with responsibility for a key strategic objective.
Our Executive team are supported by a hardworking and dedicated Senior Leadership Team that effectively contribute to strategy development while delivering strong operational and financial performance.
Executive Team
The Executive Team provide strategic leadership and work positively and collaboratively to help deliver the Housing People, Helping People Strategy and business plan.
Board of Directors
Fundamental to the successful delivery of our strategy is the board and leadership team working together in a clear and focused way.
Independent Customer Services Committee
Responsible for overseeing customer services – service delivery, tenant involvement and engagement, customer experience and insight.
Independent Audit and Risk Committee
Responsible for overseeing audit and risk – internal and external audit, risk landscape and internal controls and assurance.
Independent Investment Committee
Oversees investment - new development and existing stock improvement and maintenance.
Remuneration, Resources and Appointments
Responsible for advising board on governance, remuneration and Board and Committee appointments.
Commercial Board
Fundamental to the successful delivery of our commercial strategy is the board and leadership team working together in a clear and focused way.