Bernicia, Northumbria Police and members of Northumberland County Council’s enforcement team called at homes across south east Northumberland to reassure victims of anti-social behaviour that their complaints are being acted upon.
The community action day across Bedlington, Stakeford, Choppington, Guidepost, Ashington and Bedlington Station is part of on-going work by Bernicia and our partners to keep people safe in their homes and neighbourhoods.
Bernicia is supporting ASB Awareness Week running across the UK from July 3 to July 9, encouraging communities to take a stand against anti-social behaviour and today focusing on motorbike disorder and community safety.
Stewart Sexton, Bernicia Housing Officer Anti-Social Behaviour, said “We’ve been out in communities reassuring tenants that we are acting on their concerns about anti-social behaviour, which included excessive noise, youth disorder and complaints about motorbikes being used recklessly.”
As well as community visits, the partners asked youngsters from Bedlington Station Primary School to take part in a community safety competition – and held arts and crafts and dress up activities for children in the Bedlington Learning Hive in Burnside, run by the Northern Learning Trust.
The Northern Learning Trust team were also on hand today to offer support and advice, showing people in the community the fantastic employment and educational opportunities they have on offer.
Sharon Firmin, Bernicia Housing Officer, Anti-Social Behaviour, said: “Everyone deserves to feel safe in their home and in their community.
“We’ve reminded people about their responsibilities as tenants and as members of the local community.”
Pictured left to right at Bedlington Learning Hive are Lynsey Green, Northumberland County Council community safety officer, Sharon Firmin, Bernicia housing officer anti-social behaviour, PC Vicky Thompson, Gill Smith, Northern Learning Trust chief executive and Sergeant Rob Morton.
Bernicia is urging tenants not to suffer in silence and to report it to sort it: