Corporate Strategy
Housing People, Helping People. Our corporate Strategy 2022-2026 sets out how we will invest £210m into homes, estates and communities over the next four years.
Bernicia has high levels of customer satisfaction and we aim to maintain this by continuing to promote a customer-centric approach.
To demonstrate we are delivering this objective, we have a range of measures and targets
including four Key Success Factors:
1) Maintaining our already high levels of Customer Satisfaction with the overall service.
2) Undertaking a segmental analysis of satisfaction and complaints, using this to inform our
performance improvement plans.
3) Annual report to the Board from our tenants (with summary in financial statements) on
performance against the service standards set by them.
4) Triennially having an external validation of our tenant engagement framework
Bernicia owns and manages over 14,000 properties across the North East and develops new homes across a wide range of types and tenures. We want our customers to be proud to call a Bernicia property their home.
To demonstrate we are delivering this objective, we have a range of measures and targets including
four Key Success Factors:
1) Keeping comprehensive, up to date data about all our housing stock and effectively using this to
maintain high satisfaction levels with the quality of our homes.
2) A full suite of Health and Safety performance indicators.
3) Aiming to achieve SAP C rating by 2025/26 for at least 90% of our homes, improving our overall average
SAP C rating to over 73.
4) New homes – at least 600 new starts in the four-year plan period
Bernicia aims to demonstrate excellence in governance, having the right leadership, skills, experience and structures to deliver our strategy.
To demonstrate we are delivering this objective, we have a range of measures and targets
including four Key Success Factors:
1) At least a G1 V2 regulatory judgement.
2) Retaining IIP Gold and obtaining Institute of Customer Services Accreditation.
3) Effectively delivering our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and action plan.
4) Meeting our financial targets.
We will continue to work to influence and help deliver strategic plans for the North East, and will support
and promote the work of our sector trade and professional representative bodies, as well as organisations
championing the needs and potential of our region.
To demonstrate we are delivering this objective, we have a range of measures and targets including
four Key Success Factors:
1) Positive stakeholder perceptions report.
2) Our added value priorities – Financial and Social inclusion – delivering at least £15m of social value over the
strategy period.
3) Affordability – Annual affordability assessment of our rents – using our affordability methodology.
4) Increasing the profitability of our Commercial company, using this to increase the contribution of Bernicia
to our added value initiatives